ISMA Home Page

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ISMA Rank Structure

Head Instructor
Assistant Instructors

Street Smart Self Defense

Frequently Asked Questions



General Uniform Information:

  • Uniforms should have a professional look - clean, non-wrinkled, no tears or holes, and fit properly.

  • Uniforms should be properly hemmed so they don't cover the hands, drag on the floor, or unfold.

  • Uniforms should not bare the logo or name of another martial arts school, be worn inside out, or have a tattered appearance if the logo is covered or removed.

  • At no time should a student wear additional items of outer clothing under their uniform pants (i.e. jeans, shorts).

  • A T-shirt or tank top is to be worn under the uniform jacket.

  • Non-restrictive thermal garments may be worn under the uniform in the winter.

  • No hats, bands, scarves, jewelry, or additional ornamentation may be worn on or with the uniform.

  • Any article worn for religious covenant should be worn safely; secured without the use of pins or other sharp methods and contain no exposed metal or sharp edges. It is preferable to be worn in mutual respect to both the student's religious covenant and ISMA, in color and minimal ornamentation, so as to compliment the uniform and not distract from ISMA training, while still honoring the religious covenant.

  • Belts and Sashes should never be washed, nor should they be worn outside our training buildings.

  • If at anytime a student is missing an article of their uniform, they should still attend class, but are required to line up at the lowest end of the rank progression.

Uniforms By Rank:

  • ISMA White Belts students start in a traditional crossover style white uniform jacket and pants. The jacket should be worn over a T-shirt or tank top. This uniform depicts the new beginner student who has a generalized traditional expectation and mindset of martial arts training.

  • ISMA Yellow Belt candidates will display an ISMA logo patch on their white uniform jacket before their yellow belt test. This symbolizes a dedication to training and commitment to advance in ranking through ISMA.

  • ISMA Green Belt ranks have the option of wearing an ISMA school shirt instead of their white uniform jacket to training classes; however formal jackets are still required at rank tests.

  • At ISMA Blue Belt rank, students still have the option of wearing an ISMA school shirt instead of their white uniform jacket to training classes and, in addition, have the option of wearing athletic shoes as part of their uniform. Formal jackets are still required at rank tests.

  • ISMA Red Belt and higher ranks are required to wear an ISMA school shirt and black uniform pants as their training uniform and during rank testing. It is at Red Belt Level a student is considered an Assistant Instructor and this uniform sets them apart from the general student base.

  • ISMA Black Belts may wear specialized ISMA school logo shirts and any style uniform pants with their rank. At black belt level the student's mindset is completely street oriented and the black belt "uniform" symbolizes normal loose street attire, while still conforming to being a martial arts "uniform".


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